属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-农达致癌案和解 拜尔组建科学团队预防未来诉讼
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-互益性企业 心系社会的企业
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-太阳能发电厂 蓝色的钢铁海洋
1 | 在某些地方,此数字签名可以与您自己的手写签名合理地统一起来加于考虑。 | In some places this digital signature may be considered as legally binding as your own written signature. | |
2 | 这给我们的教训就是,你怎么想,就应该怎么说。如果你想让你的文件成为具有法律效力的合同,就要在标题中注明"合同"字样。 | The lesson learned is, "Say what you mean." If you intend the document to be a legally binding contract, use the word "Contract" in the title. | |
3 | 中标通知书对招标人和中标人具有法律效力。 | The bid-winning notice is legally binding on both the tenderer and the winning bidder. | |
4 | 这一科学审查过程预计至少需要4年时间。该团队的发现将会对拜耳以及任何在周三前用过农达但未患上癌症的人具有法律约束力。 | The scientific review process is expected to take at least four years. Findings by the team would be legally binding on Bayer, as well as anyone who has used Roundup before Wednesday, but not developed cancer. | |
5 | 第十条本公司章程自生效之日起,即成为规范公司的组织与行为、公司与股东、股东与股东之间权利义务关系的具有法律约束力的文件,对公司、股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员具有法律约束力的文件。依据本章程,股东可以起诉股东,股东可以起诉公司董事、监事、总经理和其他高级管理人员,股东可以起诉公司,公司可以起诉股东、董事、监事、总经理和其他高级管理人员。 | ||Article 10 From the effective date, this Articles of Association shall become the legally binding document which regulates the Company’s organization and behavior, the rights and liabilities between the Company and shareholders, and amongst the shareholders.|| The Articles of Association is legally binding for the Company, shareholders, directors, supervisors and other top management personnel. According to these Articles, shareholders can sue other shareholders; Shareholders can sue the Company directors, supervisors, managers, and other top management personnel. Shareholders can sue the Company. The Company can sue the shareholders, directors, supervisors, managers, and other top management personnel. | |
6 | 可以被归为互益性企业的公司必须要有一项明确的社会或环境目标,并须承担具法律约束力的信托责任:在考虑其股东权益的同时也必须考虑其员工、社会和环境的利益。 | To qualify as a B Corp, a firm must have an explicit social or environmental mission, and a legally binding fiduciary responsibility to take into account the interests of workers, the community and the environment as well as its shareholders. | |
7 | 如果英国真的打算实现具有法律约束力的可再生能源电力供应目标,寻求更多的太阳能发电似乎不可避免。然而,或许办公室、工厂以及仓库的房顶才是太阳能电池板最好的安家之处。这样做能够在降低商业用电费用的同时减轻地方电网的负担。这似乎是个更明智的主意。译者:邵灵玲 校对:卫婷婷 | If Britain is serious about hitting its legally-binding target for renewable generation, more solar seems inevitable. But the roofs of offices, factories and warehouses are the best places for it. Putting panels there lowers energy bills for businesses while placing less strain on local grids. That seems a brighter idea. | |
8 | “还是有希望达成具有法律约束力的协议,”巴尔斯告诉明镜周刊网络版。 | "There could still be a legally binding agreement, " Bals told SPIEGEL ONLINE. | |
9 | “我认为我们极可能在坎昆看不到一个具有法律约束力的协议,”德布尔说。 | "I think it’s extremely unlikely we will see a legally binding agreement in Cancun, " de Boer said. | |
10 | MAG的女发言人KellyTaft说“一旦他们批准,这就有了法律约束力了。” | "Once they approve it, it becomes legally binding , " says Kelly Taft, MAG spokeswoman. | |
11 | 奥巴马称,今年前美国将寻求与俄罗斯建立一具有法律约束力条约来裁减战略武器储备。 | Mr Obama said that America would seek a legally binding treaty with Russia on reducing stockpiles of strategic arms by the end of the year. | |
12 | 巴塞罗那的这次大会就是要努力讨论出一个具有普遍约束力的协议,把世界各国都联合起来。 | In Barcelona the negotiations struggle to get a legally binding agreement between the world’s nations. | |
13 | 但是,谈判代表们承认,今年没有机会确定具法律约束力的协议了。 | But negotiators conceded this year that there was no chance of a legally binding deal. | |
14 | 但是她说,达成具有法律约束力的协定需要一年时间。 | But she said a legally binding agreement could take up to a year. | |
15 | 但新协议并不具备法律约束力,对未来可能进一步达成什麽协定的表述也不明朗。 | But the new agreement was not legally binding , and left unclear the status of any future agreement. | |
16 | 但这些政界人士也一致认为,由于这些奖金看来有法律上的保障,目前尚不清楚政府能够在裁减奖金方面能有何作为。 | But they agreed it was unclear what, if anything, the government can do to cut the bonuses since the contracts seem legally binding . | |
17 | 当组织在现实世界处理业务时,他们签署合同来订立具有法律约束力的协议。 | When organizations conduct business in the physical realm, they sign contracts to enter legally binding agreements. | |
18 | 第八条依法成立的合同,对当事人具有法律约束力。 | Article 8 A contract concluded in accordance with the law is legally binding on the contracting parties. | |
19 | 而且,许多人希望本次会议能达成具法律约束力的条约,但该案文似证明有关努力均属无益。 | and it seems to confirm the futility of moves towards the legally binding treaty that many still want. | |
20 | 而政协全国委员会是执政协商机构,提交上来的提案无论通过与否都不具有法律约束力。 | while a proposal to the CPPCC National Committee, the top advisory body, is not legally binding whether it is adopted or not. | |
21 | 法律约束力。当亊人 | legally binding on the parties. A | |
22 | 该思想是能够以某种方式“签署”一份数位文件,该签名具有和物理签名一样的法律效力。 | The idea is to be able to "sign" digital documents in such a way that the signature is as legally binding in court as a physical signature. | |
23 | 该协议所附的提案要求将刊登在明年年底颁布的一项具有法律约束力的条约。 | A proposal attached to the accord calls for a legally binding treaty to be pinned down by the end of next year. | |
24 | 更确切的讲,追求一个普遍接受的、具有法律约束力的协议是注定要失败的。 | Rather, the pursuit of a universal legally binding agreement is doomed. | |
25 | 公证,确认作为法律约束力而接受或确认: | To accept or certify as legally binding : | |
26 | 换言之,作为一个群体,基础四国依然觉得自己很难给予具有法律约束力的承诺。 | In other words, as a group the BASIC countries remain reluctant to sign up to legally binding commitments. | |
27 | 柬埔寨外交部坚称,该国婚姻指令具有法律约束力,尽管它还没有获得到议会的通过。 | The foreign ministry insists that its marriage directive is legally binding even though it did not pass through parliament. | |
28 | 她坚持认为:“哥本哈根会议必须包含达成具有法律约束力协议的最后期限。” | "Copenhagen should include a deadline for when to close a legally binding agreement, " she maintains. | |
29 | 她说:“如果我们想看到拯救地球的切实行动,法律约束是唯一的选择。” | "Legally binding is the only thing that will do if we want to see real action to save the planet, " she said. | |
30 | 解振华强调,在国内环境下,这些目标具有法律约束力。 | The minister emphasised that in a domestic context, these targets are legally binding . |